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Surrounded by mountains, thirsty from the drought and polluted from stupidity lies a small town in the valley. This small town isn’t like other small towns, or not the ones I hoped to see anyway. This small town is not a town where everyone knows your name, where most people are warm, welcoming and polite, where there are opportunities and room for dreams. I like to think this is the place where dreams go to die, where ambitions get smashed, where people are rude, cruel and ignorant, where people’s personalities never quite develop after high school… but maybe I’m being too harsh. However, many other people who live here would back me up on my evaluation. Still… I’m probably being a little too pessimistic. Here’s why…

Throughout the course of our life we dream, we set goals and we strive to be happy. At some point in our lives we realize that hard work and determination can make those things happen. But when a town does not have any job opportunities and there is no way to work how can you make your dreams come true?

adult-baby1I live in a town that does not have any opportunity for growth which is perhaps why even adults in there middle ages act like they never left high school. Now at this point in my life there are always going to be things that happen in your life that will always be like high school, there will always be a little bit.. or a lot of drama, there will always be people you don’t get along with, there will always be times when you feel insecure and left out and there will always be those immature moments that make you wonder if you ever left high school at all.

However when people truly never grow up, that’s when I have a real problem. I want to grow and develop as a human being and I feel I will never be able to do that here. I know that this is not where I am meant to be and that someday.. hopefully soon, I’ll be able to leave this town and find where I belong and do something that I’m passionate about, something I love, something I jump out of bed for.

I have a feeling I will find that one day and I know it won’t be here. Maybe one day I will find what I’m looking for.. in the meantime not all is lost. I have a wonderful, amazing boyfriend who I love like crazy, a comfortable home to live in and I’m finally going back to school in January. Things are beginning to look up again.. maybe there is some opportunity for some small change in this little town after all.